1.   European statesmen are meeting in Paris today to discuss the crisis in the Middle East.

2.   In sixty-seven different towns the Left Book Club organized public meetings to discuss the crisis.

3.   President Clinton summoned his top White House aides to discuss the crisis.

4.   Representatives met to discuss the crisis and devise solutions.

5.   The Security Council has called an emergency session to discuss the crisis.

6.   The government called an emergency meeting to discuss the crisis.

7.   At the UN ambassadors of the five permanent members of the Security Council, including Britain, were to meet to discuss the crisis.

8.   The United Nations Security Council met in special session to discuss the crisis.

9.   ASEAN will hold an emergency meeting tomorrow to discuss the crisis, and foreign ministers from two member states said they would reconsider admitting Cambodia.

10.   A panel of foreign ministers from the Economic Community of West African States said it would meet soon to discuss the crisis.

v. + crisis >>共 360
resolve 11.40%
end 9.64%
discuss 6.92%
defuse 6.62%
solve 4.68%
face 3.44%
handle 2.96%
ease 2.64%
cause 1.94%
create 1.87%
discuss + n. >>共 877
issue 8.73%
matter 3.99%
way 3.69%
detail 3.49%
plan 2.98%
situation 2.70%
case 2.65%
possibility 2.44%
problem 1.94%
proposal 1.62%
crisis 1.01%
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